Covid you mess with my head

Covid you mess with my head

Your near invisible
So small you can’t be seen
Yet you threaten the lives of many
You left waves of fear
That lingerings long after you been there
Actually you may not have even visited places where there is fear
But we can’t see you
So whose to know if you are or aren’t there
Covid you mess with my head

The places that once were safe
Have that wave of fear lingering in the air
You sit back and laugh cause you actually never visited there
It’s just that wave of fear lingering in the air
Whispering keep safe get out of here
Covid you mess with my head

It looks normal and safe
But the smell of disinfectant and hand sanitizer fill the air
It’s suppose to make me feel safe
But the smell sets off the warning you could lingered here
It looks and smells safe but realty is you could be sitting right here
Covid you mess with my head

The sun is bright
The birds tweet
A new day like any old day after a good sleep
Until I turn know the TV
Covid… covid… covid…
Stay safe… stay safe… stay safe…
Every news segment repeats
I thought I was safe
Till blaring your warnings
Set off a wave of fear through the clean morning air
Threatening you could be near
Covid you mess with my head

I ride the wave again
I find peace
I look around
I’ve done all I can to be safe here
You might linger
But I can’t live hidden in fear
Covid you mess with my head

The facts and stats tell me it’s unlikely your there
Even though each place is treated like your there
Everything’s normal
I don’t see you
No symptoms from anyone near
But the sign says covid… covid covid…
Saying warning you linger here
Covid you mess with my head

I refuse to stay in bed
To stay locked away scared
The threat of you and your mates may linger long into the day
Maybe into coming years
You can throw waves of fear
And yes you are a real problem
I have no doubt there
But I refuse, I refuse for you to keep me locked away in bed
Cause its no safer there
Because where ever I am
Covid can mess with my head

Covid you mess with my head
But you can’t keep me locked away in fear

Please note I take precautions still like covid might be there. I ahere to saftey warnings still. Howver i notice the biggest risk to me now is not covid itself but allowing how it messes with my head and senses and logic, to stop me living life. To have me hidden in fear. Covid is still very real and precautions do need to be taken but it can’t rule my life.
As we in New Zealand go down levels and cases lower, the threat of covid itself reduces and places open I’ve noticed the impact covid has on my head. If your reading this in other nations still impacted greatly physically by covid I too sag stay safe and ahere to whats been said to keep you safe physically.  And even us in New Zealand too. The physical risk is low but we do need to be wise still how we physically act. I won’t be reaching for hugs yet and keeping my distance, disinfecting and sanitizing and keeping my groups small. But I recognize how covid messes with my head and exposing it as a way to resist letting it keep me from doing what I can do. Some days I might cave in to it but I know how acknowledging and sharing it with another and for me with God also, is a step into recovering and healing.

What impact has covid had on you?

Just wondering

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